Engineer on factory floor with tablet and robot arms in background

Smart Technologies

Our products, expertise and partnership increase productivity and efficiency in many industries and applications.

A Strategic Approach to Smart and Connected Industry

At Emerson, we recognize that smart technology begins with smart choices. With the Industrial Internet of Things ecosystem expanding fast, it’s critical for companies to modernize in ways that improve business outcomes and justify investment.

Our smart, innovative solutions will adapt to your production methods and serve new communications and data strategies. Together, we’ll make IIoT work for you where you need it most.

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Media & Case Studies

AVENTICS SPM monitors and adapts to pneumatic system performance without involving the machine’s control system

Our reliable, efficient and adaptable solenoids set new industry standards

Movie theatre with solutions from Emerson’s AVENTICS

Emerson’s Technology Undergirds Futuristic 5-D 'Wet’ Theater

A theater that simulates an underwater experience with cutting edge digitization — and world-class fluid automation. See how the technologies work together.

See Case Study
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