Rosemount™ 214C RTD Temperature Sensor, 848T Transmitter and 114C Thermowell


Rosemount™ 214C RTD Temperature Sensor
Temperature Range
For wire-wound element, 0.05 °C (0.020 ) maximum ice-point resistance shift after 1g vibration between 20 and 500 Hz for 150 hours according to IEC 60751:2008
Lead Wires
24 AWG wire, FEP insulated; color coded per IEC 60751
Time Constant / Response
10.8 seconds maximum required to reach 50% sensor response when tested in flowing water according to IEC 60751:2008
±0.15 °C (0.059 ) maximum ice-point resistance shift following 1,000 hours at maximum specified temperature when measured per methods defined in IEC 60751:2008
Insulation Resistance
1000 MΩ minimum insulation resistance when measured at 500 VDC at room temperature
Calibration Options
IEC 751 Class A or B; Single point calibration; Calibration schedule or customer-specified calibration range, both with Callendar-Van Dusen constants
Rosemount™ 848T Temperature Transmitter
Eight independently configurable inputs, including 2- and 3- wire RTDs, thermocouples, mV, 2- and 3- wire ohm, and 4-20 mA signals
Output Signal
FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus protocol
Aluminum, or stainless steel junction box
Measurement validation
Hazardous location, marine type, see full specs for complete list of certifications
Rosemount™ 114C Thermowell
Thermowell Calculations
Wake frequency calculation (WFC) performed by certified engineers, order R21 for official report
Design Modifiers
Root, bore and tip diameters can be customized for any application
Material certification, NACE, CRN (see full specs for complete list of certifications)
Product Tests
External pressure test, internal pressure test, dye penetration, X-ray, PMI (see full specs for complete list)


Rosemount™ 214C RTD Temperature Sensor
  • Single or dual element Pt-100 RTD with thin-film or wire-wound designs meets various application requirements
  • Thin film sensor engineered to withstand high vibration industrial applications
  • Wire-wound design for applications requiring high accuracy, dual-elements and/or are subjected to high temperatures
  • Covers a wide range of temperatures from –321 to 1112°F (–196 to 600°C) for application flexibility
  • Callendar-Van Dusen constants allow for transmitter-sensor matching and offer the highest level of accuracy
  • Optional Class A accuracy ensures critical temperature measurement points meet tolerance and accuracy standards
  • Adaptable design with a variety of enclosure and connection head options meet varying application demands
  • Includes spring-loaded or compact spring-loaded mounting styles for adaptability
  • North American approvals meet hazardous location requirements
Rosemount™ 848T Temperature Transmitter
  • Transmitter accepts up to eight temperature measurements per device for reduced process control costs
  • Measurements can be taken in close proximity to each other for simplified installation and reduced wiring
  • Receives independently configurable RTD, thermocouple, ohm and milliamp inputs for high density applications
  • Integrates existing analog instrumentation into FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus environment for added digital functionality
  • Bus-powered transmitter further reduces the amount of required wiring to install the device
  • Measurement validation diagnostic detects data abnormalities and on-scale failures to avoid shutdowns
  • Device dashboards display an easy interface for simplified device configuration and diagnostic troubleshooting
Rosemount™ 114C Thermowell
  • Threaded, flanged, Van Stone and welded mounting styles with stem profile options allow for application flexibility
  • Wide selection of thermowell materials, from stainless steel to exotic materials, meets varying process specifications
  • Option of Wake Frequency Calculation report ensures thermowell design is compatible with process conditions
  • Flexible design modifiers for root, bore and tip thickness allow customization for special application requirements
  • Van Stone style permits differing flange material from the stem for cost-efficiency
  • Thermowell options, including NACE, material certification and PMI, ensure material traceability or compatibility
  • Special testing options to meet process requirements including external hydrostatic pressure test, dye penetration test and more

Documents & Drawings

Rosemount™ 214C RTD Temperature Sensor
Rosemount™ 848T Temperature Transmitter
Rosemount™ 114C Thermowell