Master Meter Provers

Product Description

Emerson's Master Meter Proving Skids help users ensure regulatory compliance while reducing the long-turnaround times and high costs inherent in off-site meter proving. Choose these comprehensive, cost-effective systems to improve measurement confidence and minimize fiscal risk.


Meter Size
Up to 12"
Operating Pressure Range
Up to 2500 ANSI
Process Temperature
-240 °C to 350 °C  (-400 °F to 662 °F)
For Meter Types
Liquid Ultrasonic, Gas Ultrasonic, Turbine, Coriolis, Positive Displacement
Process Product
Crude Oil, LPG, LNG, Refined Products, Petrochemical, Chemical
Custody Transfer, Non-Custody Transfer, Production, Liquid Pipelines, FPSO/FSO, Refining, Terminals, Tank Farms
Equipment/Material Included
Meters, Valves, Strainers, Pipe/Fittings, Structural Steel, Instrumentation, Controls/HMI, Wiring, Connection Arms/Hoses
Services Included
Project Management, Engineering/Design, Procurement, Fabrication, Testing, Startup/Commissioning, Training, Lifecycle Services.


  • Prove a wide range of meter technologies and sizes to their factory or industry specifications
  • Reduce costs and downtime associated with off-site proving
  • Ensure meter reliability and repeatability and verify its accuracy to reduce measurement uncertainty
  • Meet contractual and regulatory requirements and minimize financial risk
  • Satisfy industry requirements for mass, density, and volume calibration
  • Rely on conformity to master meter prover requirements of API Chapter 4.5
  • Minimize complexity and uncertainty with a single-source provider