Branson-P-MCX Mold Cleaner W5

Branson MCX Mold Cleaner W5

Product Description

The Branson MCX Series Ultrasonic Mold Cleaners feature side-mounted immersible transducers and powerful immersion heaters that provide a more effective, fast and efficient cleaning process for Injection Molds.


Working Dimensions
56”L x 69”D x 19”W
Max Mold / Part Size
52”L x 48”D x 17”W
Ultrasonic Frequency
25 KHz, 40 KHz
Nominal Ultrasonic Power
Single Side Transducers: 9,000 Watts
Dual Side Transducers: 18,000 Watts
Electrical Connection
208 / 240 / 480V, 3Ph


  • Fully configured ultrasonic cleaning system with adequate ultrasonic immersible transducers situated on either one or two vertical walls of cleaning tank, along with powerful immersion heaters to help remove the most stubborn and inaccessible dirt and grime from mold surface.
  • Choice of 25 KHz and 40 KHz ultrasonic frequency provides users flexibility relative to aggressively removing stubborn contaminants, reaching inside intricate mold details and preventing any damage to critical mold design features.
  • User-friendly advanced Touchscreen HMI on Branson GCX Ultrasonic Generators, provide easy access to system data and setup
  • Digital control of Sweep Frequency and Ultrasonic Power offers more precise control and consistency of the cleaning process.
  • Remote Ultrasonic Generator Racking System allows separation between critical process controls and mold cleaning work area to reduce risk of unintentional damage and accidents.