DeltaV-P-DeltaV Continuous Historian

DeltaV™ Continuous Historian

Product Description

The DeltaV™ Continuous Historian provides a database designed for historical storage, retrieval, integration into the DeltaV system, and open access. As a product of Emerson Process Management, the DeltaV Continuous Historian was designed to support the PlantWeb architecture and provide a data repository for the information available in intelligent field devices. The DeltaV Continuous Historian is a vital component of the DeltaV system, fully integrated into configuration, installation, and operation.

Documents & Drawings


  • Simplifies both your initial history configuration and the long-term configuration management of the historian
  • Automatically collects status with every data value
  • Built-in data compression and seamless communication over the DeltaV™ control netowrk to controllers and workstations
  • Scalable plant historian available on the Application Station
  • Provides excel-based reporting and analysis tools