Solutions In Action

Expert Insights

Ali Babakr
Controlling Corrosion as Fossil Fuels Become Increasingly Sour

In an Oil & Gas Engineering article, Emerson’s Ali Babakr and David Macedonia explain the value of NACE Standards for understanding corrosion resistance.

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Todd Walden
Expert Advice for Implementing Analytics

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are rapidly changing the way organizations leverage analytics. These systems enable complex analysis that human beings simply cannot perform manually, making it possible to solve difficult problems and identify actionable strategies to improve production, efficiency, sustainability, and safety. Undergirding this analytics solution is a...

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Alena Johnson
Automating and Optimizing Copper Heap Leaching Processes

Mining and refining copper into the purity required poses safety, efficiency, and reliability challenges for global miners.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Metallurgical Processing

What is the difference between hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy?
What is hydrometallurgy and how does it work?
What is metallurgical treatment?
What is Pyrometallurgical treatment?
What is the difference between hydrometallurgy and electrolysis?
Click to continue reading Frequently Asked Questions About Metallurgical Processing

Related Solutions

The rigors your production assets are tasked with always create potential for failure.

Mining & Ore Handling


Comminution & Concentration

Advanced process and asset monitoring solutions for optimum ore liberation and recovery.


Mine Tailings & Waste

Ensure the integrity of your slurry pipelines and tailings dams.


Lithium Mining

Automation solutions to improve lithium mining efficiency while keeping people and the environment safe.

The Latest

Новая шиберно-ножевая задвижка для работы с тяжелыми шламами обеспечивает оптимальную рентабельность

Шиберно-ножевая задвижка Clarkson™ KS1 компании Emerson — это двунаправленный полнопроходной клапан, соответствующий классу ASME 150...

Gas Plant Slashes Fuel Usage

Emerson expertise and Ovation™ Advanced Power Applications lead to 67 percent reduction in hot start fuel usage and fast.

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