
Modernization & Migration Solutions for Dow MOD 5 Systems

Product Description

Emerson has experience and expertise in modernizing your legacy Dow MOD 5 systems to DeltaV™ systems. We will work with plant personnel to help justify and plan projects to meet the plant’s business and operational objectives.

Service Details

Improvement Highlights

  • Existing IP is captured by systems software analysis tools to minimize risk in software configuration, and accelerate new system implementation
  • Enhance your competitive edge by applying newer technologies not available with your legacy system
  • Improve operator interface technologies to take full advantage of new display technologies
  • Establish plant configuration standards for ease of maintenance and replicating applications at different sites


Maximize return on earlier equipment purchases and take advantage of today’s technologies, such as:

  • I/O On Demand
  • Embedded advanced control
  • Self-diagnosing instrumentation
  • Modular, on-the-fly scalability
  • Plug-and-play business integration that provide lower engineering, installation, and startup costs and big, ongoing operation and maintenance savings.
