
Yarway Color­Port Water Level Gauges

Product Description

Color-Port gauges provide continuous indication of boiler water levels as required by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Code PG-60. A complete Color-Port system includes the gauge, a water column or tie bar, two gauge valves and an illuminator/display. Welbloc L200V gauge valves offered with circulating tie bar is designed to be used with flanged end high pressure gauges for working pressure up to 3000 psi (207 bar) with a stellite disc and an integral stellite seat feature. Internals are completely accessible with the valve connected in the line. This compact design with tie bar reduces installation space, provides greater rigidity and assures minimum temperature differential by allowing more direct flow between drum and gauge.


  • Combination of design and durable materials assures long service life.
  • Individual port assemblies can be replaced in minutes with the gauge in place.
  • Spring loading maintains proper pressure on glasses and gaskets at all times.
  • Contrasting red and green readings show water level through high visibility illuminator display view slots.
  • Choice of direct or mirror viewing systems.
  • Choice of low, medium or high pressure designs for use with stuffing box gaugecocks or Welbloc L200V valves.
  • Glasses accurately molded and tempered to high specifications.
  • Glass, mica and gasket assembly is registered precisely in the body’s gasket groove.
  • High quality mica protects the inner surface of each glass from the erosive action of steam, water and alkalis.
  • Specially-molded flexible graphite gasket between mica and gauge body ensures a tight seal.
  • PED 97/23/EC conformance available.


½” to ¾” (15 to 19mm)
Max. Pressure:
Low pressure design: 850 psi (59 bar)
Medium pressure design: 1800 psi (124 bar)
High pressure design: 3000 psi (207 bar)
Number of Ports:
5 to 26
12 3/16” to 72 9/16” (310 to 1843 mm)