Metering of Blended Hydrogen with Natural Gas

Hydrogen blending skids that combine natural gas and hydrogen help reduce carbon emissions.
Metering of Blended Hydrogen with Natural Gas

A Great Resource for Hydrogen Fiscal Measurement

Global demand for sustainable energy and reduction in emissions is accelerating the transition of energy supplies from fossil fuels to carbon neutral energy. Because hydrogen burns clean, natural gas utilities are blending hydrogen in pipelines to reduce carbon emissions. In a hydrogen blending skid, pure hydrogen gas is blended with natural gas through an injection process. The energy content of blended gas can change depending on the amount and purity of hydrogen gas added. Metering blended hydrogen is a vital measurement point to maintain a consistent energy content for downstream users. Micro Motion ELITE Coriolis Flow meters provide high mass accuracy of the amount of hydrogen injected into the pipeline while a hydrogen purity measurement tool and a purity analyzer identify the energy content of the gas. Micro Motion ELITE Coriolis flow meters are used successfully in hydrogen fiscal measurement and found in many hydrogen custody transfer applications like natural gas blending.

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