Alarm Management

Alarm Management

Eliminate Alarm Floods and Meet ISA 18.2 Metrics

Alarm Management ensures that the correct alarms are annunciated to the operator at all times. This includes all modes of process operation. Poorly configured alarms in the control system can lead to millions of dollars of direct losses per year and even more in production losses. Alarm “floods” lead to unsafe conditions and increase the probability of incidents.

Alarm standards in industrial processes are defined by ISA 18.2 and IEC 62682. These standards are recognized by many regulatory organizations around the world including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Non-compliance with these standards can lead to hefty fines and even loss of operational permits.

With effective Alarm Management and a well-maintained alarm system, you can avoid alarm floods and transform the alarm system from being a nuisance during process upsets to a valuable tool for the operations staff. Alarm information can be presented to the operator in ways that aid the operator in correct response to alarms and reduce operator fatigue while also decreasing operator errors.

Emerson’s Alarm Management Services focus on the complete Alarm Management Lifecycle. From alarm philosophy through alarm rationalization and implementation, we can deliver an alarm system that follows ISA 18.2 and IEC 62682 requirements and recommendations.

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