Tescom-P-98 Series

TESCOM™ 98 High-Pressure Filters

Product Description

98 Series high pressure filters offer operating pressure ratings up to 10,000psig / 690 bar with Mini In-line and TEE-Type designs. Ideal for use in filtration prior to pressure control components to protect from particulate contamination.


Maximum Rated Operating Pressure
98-1010 Mini In-Line Series: 6000 psig / 414 bar
98-1110 Tee-Type Series: 6000-10,000 psig / 414-690 bar
98-1210 In-Line Series: 3000-10,000 psig / 207-690 bar
Materials: 98-1010 Mini In-Line Series
Body: 304 Stainless Steel
Internal Filter - 10 micron: Pleated 304 Stainless Steel
Materials: 98-1110 Tee-Type Series
Body: 303 Stainless Steel
Internal Filter - 10 micron: Pleated 304 Stainless Steel
O-rings: Buna, Teflon® or Viton®
Materials: 98-1210 In-Line Series
Body: 3000 psig / 207 bar - 303 Stainless Steel
6000, 10000 psig / 414, 690 bar - 17-4 Stainless Steel
Filter - 10 micron: 304 Stainless Steel
O-rings: Buna, Teflon® or Viton®
Operating Temperature: 98-1010 Mini In-Line Series
-320°F to 550°F / -196°C to 288°C
Operating Temperature: 98-1110 Tee-Type Series
Buna O-ring: -20 to 165°F / -29 to 74°C
Teflon® O-ring: -40 to 165°F / -40 to 74°C
Viton® O-ring: 0 to 220°F / -18 to 104°C
Operating Temperature: 98-1210 Tee-Type Series
Buna O-ring: -20 to 165°F / -29 to 74°C
Teflon® O-ring: -40 to 165°F / -40 to 74°C
Operating Temperature: 98-1210 Tee-Type Series
Viton® O-ring: 0 to 220°F / -18 to 104°C
E.P. O-ring: -40 to 225°F / -40 to 107°C
Port Size & Type: 98-1010
1/4, 3/8, 1/2
Female NPTF, Female/Male NPTF (1/4 and 1/2 only), MS33649 Female/MS33656 Male
Port Size & Type: 98-1110
1/4, 3/8, 1/2
Female NPTF, MS33649, SAE
Port Size & Type: 98-1210
1/4, 3/8, 1/2 (3000 and 6000 psig / 207 and 414 bar only)
Female NPTF / Male MS33649
Additional Information
For custom modifications or a complete system solution, please contact your local sales office.


  • Operating pressure ratings up to 10,000 psig / 690 bar
  • In-line, Mini In-line and TEE-Type styles. Cleanable element reduces operating cost
  • Pleated, 10 micron, 304 Stainless Steel internal filter material for maximum contaminant control
  • Cleanable element reduces operating cost

Documents & Drawings