Rosemount-P-OTG 51 Overfill Alarm Tank Gauge

Rosemount™ OTG 51 Overfill Alarm Tank Gauge

Product Description

Assure your vessel lives up to today’s safety and environmental standards with Rosemount OFC (Overflow Control). Mounted on the tank, this integrated yet independent radar-based system meets the individual class interpretations of IMO rules for independent sensors. Alarm limits are configured by software settings which allows for easy adaption to new requirements. A continuous self-checking function ensures correct operation.


Reference Accuracy
± 5mm
Enclosure Rating
Process Connection
Suitable for mounting on ASME 3"� or JIS 5K-100, DN80, ASME 6"�
Materials of Construction
Stainless steel 316L, Stainless steel 304L, PTFE
Explosion Protection
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga


  • No moving mechanical parts inside of the tank that can break
  • Correct indication and communications verified by self-checking system
  • Safe operations provided by electrical separation of the high level and overfill alarm and the level/ullage gauging system.
  • Automated self-testing function eliminates the need for mechanical test arrangement before use.
  • Meets requirements for all major industry classifications