DeltaV™ Spectral Process Analytic Technology (PAT)

DeltaV™ Spectral Process Analytic Technology (PAT)

Bringing in real-time multivariate analysis to unlock fully automated manufacturing for improved speed-to-market.

Increase production, quality, and reliability without disruption

Life Sciences manufacturers are under more pressure than ever to deliver treatments quickly and cost-effectively around the globe. With the world’s new focus on rapid results, gone are the days when the product could sit in work-in-progress (WIP) for days, weeks, or even months, waiting on lab testing for quality validation.

DeltaV™ Spectral PAT brings stability and performance by bringing spectral waveform data directly into the control system. By implementing in-line, real-time, continuous, closed-loop process verification and control with an automated real-time quality release, manufacturers build a foundation for better regulatory management more easily while optimizing facility performance and throughput.

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Integrated PAT is redefining closed-loop process control

Integrated PAT is redefining closed-loop process control

The quality analysis tools driving speed to market are now built right into the control system.

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Improve Manufacturing Performance with Closed-Loop Control

Improve Manufacturing Performance with Closed-Loop Control

DeltaV Spectral PAT runs chemometric models directly in the control system, allowing real-time prediction of critical quality attributes. This means that you can now monitor and perform closed-loop control with these hard-to-measure critical values. DeltaV systems have built-in solutions to show and document safe, accurate, repeatable processes. Demonstrating these technologies can give regulatory groups the confidence they need to support this new approach to improve manufacturing performance.

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Klik om verder te gaan met lezen Improve Manufacturing Performance with Closed-Loop Control

Lower Your Cost to Implement, Maintain and Validate

DeltaV Spectral PAT is easier to implement and maintain by leveraging a standard DeltaV configuration, database, and support infrastructure used by your other control applications. Working in a single, integrated DeltaV platform environment enhances the system’s security and simplifies your process validation.

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Lower Your Cost to Implement, Maintain and Validate
Accurately Predict Quality and Reduce Variability in Real-Time

Accurately Predict Quality and Reduce Variability in Real-Time

Traditional implementation of PAT using spectroscopy can be challenging to implement and maintain, mainly when critical quality measurements are used in closed-loop control strategies. Using spectral analyzers from on-line product samples, DeltaV Spectral PAT’s modern machine learning algorithms and embedded chemometric models can accurately predict product quality for use as on-line quality soft sensors.

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