Decades of Dependable Overpressure Protection You Can Count On

Crosby pressure relief valves have maintained leadership in overpressure protection for over 150 years. The direct spring-operated safety and pressure relief valves are among the world’s most widely used for oil and gas production and refining, petrochemical and chemical processing, and conventional and nuclear power. Crosby pressure relief valves maintain the industry’s most extensive and capable flow facilities for testing in air, steam, and water.

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Direct Spring Pressure Relief Valves

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Blogs by Industrial Valves Experts

What are Bellows in Pressure Relief Valves?

Improving Pressure Relief Valve Safety, Reliability and Performance, and Accurately Monitoring Pressure Relief Events.

An Alternative to Balanced Bellows in Pressure Relief Valves

Balanced Diaphragm Solution is a new design that extends backpressure limits, while providing greater flow capacity

Driving Down Emissions with Pressure Relief Valve Leak Detection

Emerson’s Adam Attig & Ricardo Garcia presented Eliminating Unseen Threats: Innovation in Bellows Leak Detection for PRVs at the 2024 4C Health...

Improving Regulatory Compliance with Pressure Relief Device Monitoring

The first U.S. National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) were initially required by the 1970 Clean Air Act (CAA). These...

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