About Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detectors

About Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detectors

About Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detectors

Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detection

Principles of Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detection

Ultrasonic gas leak detection uses acoustic sensors to identify fluctuations in noise that is imperceptible to human hearing within a process environment. The sensor and electronics are able to detect these ultrasound frequencies (25 to 100KHz), while excluding audible frequencies (0 to 25KHz). Unlike traditional gas detectors that measure the accumulated gas, ultrasonic gas detectors “hear” the leak, triggering an early warning system.

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How It Works

The sensors respond to sound generated by escaping gas at ultrasonic frequencies. Leak rate is mainly dependent on the size of the leak and the gas pressure. In most facilities the majority of process noise is in the audible range, while limited ultrasonic noise is generated in normal operation. Highly pressurized gas releases produce ultrasound (25 - 100 kHz) which the sensors are able to pick up despite the presence of audible noise. 

HSE data indicates a significant number of gas leaks go undetected by fire and gas Systems.

  • 62% of total gas leaks detected by flame & gas system
  • 38% remaing releases mainly detected by personnel
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