Efficient Facilities Embrace Control System Predictive Maintenance

Today’s predictive maintenance technologies for monitoring control systems are intuitive, software-based solutions that any facility can install and maintain. 

Hydrocarbon facilities are operating differently and managing more pressures than they did just five to 10 years ago. Today, plants are being redesigned for more sustainable operations, and to drive improved performance for easing strained supply chains. In many cases, this means doing more with less—particularly when it comes to staffing. As post-pandemic hiring shortages and increased retirements continue, it becomes harder to improve efficiency through traditional methods. 

As a result, hydrocarbon plant operators are struggling to squeeze every bit of efficiency out of aging systems, and even greenfield builds must make the most of every resource to meet ever tighter sustainability standards. Without a deep bench of experienced staff, teams face a difficult choice: stay on top of routine maintenance but lose the time needed to improve performance, or focus on performance improvements, but risk unexpected trips and outages. Read more in the February 2023 issue in Hydrocarbon Processing featuring Emerson’s Nina Golder, global vice president of lifecycle services. 

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