Online Prediction and Protection Systems

Online Prediction and Protection Systems

Choose the right system for the criticality of the asset.

Improve Safety and Availability with the Right Online System

Ensuring that your assets are always protected from unplanned failure requires choosing the right online system for the criticality of your asset to production. When safety regulations and insurance requirements dictate an API-compliant protection system, a modern approach would include predictive intelligence so you can operate your most critical assets with confidence. For the balance of your plant, a scalable system that delivers condition monitoring data continuously – and especially during transient conditions – is the answer.

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Choose the Right System for the Application


The AMS Asset Monitor manages pervasive sensing while providing prediction, protection and process monitoring capabilities. It is designed to mount at the asset, reducing cabling requirements and other installation costs. It accommodates up to 12 CHARMs including Vibration CHARMs as well as DeltaV CHARMs for process inputs. For larger systems, multiple units can be daisy-chained together to extend the asset coverage. This monitor features an internal Logic Studio with multiple pre-programmed application solutions for easy to understand analysis and alert reporting.


The AMS 6500 is a versatile condition monitoring system whether deployed as a standalone Modbus transmitter, a full online prediction system, or embedded or layered on top of an existing machinery protection system. The AMS 6500 delivers everything you need for asset prediction or process health analysis.


The AMS 6500 ATG protection system is a modern protection-plus-prediction system that is designed to easily replace obsolete protection systems while still making use of the existing cabinets, cables, sensors, and the like. The AMS 6500 ATG comes with flexible cards that can be configured to acquire prediction data, an embedded OPC server, and a mobile app for viewing data from anywhere on the plant network.


Some application require detailed data collection during the startup/shutdown of turbomachinery. All AMS 6500 systems are available with optional transient DCR 100-hour data recording. With the 100 hour DCR, you can see on Monday morning a replay of what happened at any time during the weekend. The AMS 6500 comes in a portable version - the AMS 2600. Many consultants find a AMS 2600 with transient to be very useful for machinery and structural analysis. Transient files can be downloaded into ME’Scope Modal/ODS software to perform detailed cross-channel modal analysis.


Overspeed conditions on critical rotating equipment can be damaging to your assets and the plant personnel in the area. In addition, damaged equipment is expensive and time-consuming to repair or replace. During transient and normal operation, the AMS 6300 SIS guards against overspeed conditions caused by sudden load loss and unexpected changes. In addition, the same sensors will verify the rotational direction of your rotating equipment to ensure your assets are functioning correctly.

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