
Branson Application Assistance

Our team of precision welding experts will help you choose, implement and optimize the right solution for your application.

The Right Joining Techniques for Your Industry

As part of Emerson Automation Solutions, the engineers at Branson set the standard for innovation and expertise in plastic and metal joining technology. Our process-neutral approach allows us to consider your unique industry challenge and select from a range of joining techniques: ultrasonic, laser, thermal, vibration, clean vibration, spin, infrared and hot plate welding. Our engineers conduct an in-depth review and analysis of your needs, and then continue to work with you on prototyping, testing and refining your solution until you’re in production.

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Application Assistance: A Four-Stage Process

• Stage 1: Initial Review — In-depth review and analysis of your application requirements

• Stage 2: Concept and Design — Custom-tailored weld joint design, along with tooling and equipment recommendations

• Stage 3: Testing and DOE — Prototype development to determine feasibility

• Stage 4: Application Release, Training and Installation — Production release and employee training

We offer application assistance for precision welding and precision cleaning.

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