Electronic Marshalling Hardware

Featured Technologies

DeltaV Electronic Marshalling

Electronic Marshalling delivers the flexibility to add I/O anywhere in the plant without affecting control room cabinets. 

Electronic Marshalling Hardware
Distributed CHARMs

CHARMs allows field wiring of any signal type to be terminated anywhere. This means no marshalling cabinet or cross-wiring, fewer wires, much less work, and fewer contact points for potential failures.

Distributed CHARMs
DeltaV PK Flex Controller

Leveraging the powerful functionality of the PK Controller with the added advantage of flexibility capacity.

DeltaV PK FLEX Controller Product Image

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Polypropylene Plant Virtualizes to Meet Demand

In this Control magazine article, Executive Editor Jim Montague interviews Claudio Fayad, vice president of technology for Emerson’s process...

Emerson’s Future-Proof Technologies Optimize the Lithium Value Chain

Scalable DeltaV technologies and a holistic approach to project execution increase speed to market while reducing risk, cost, and complexity

Infrastructure Solution Optimizes Virtualization for Small Control Systems

Emerson’s DeltaV Virtual Studio helps organizations unlock the benefits of virtualization with more cost effective, easy setup for small systems
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