Net Safety-Millennium II Single Channel Transmitter

Net Safety™ Millennium II Single Channel Transmitter

Product Description

The Net Safety Millennium II (M21) Single Channel Universal Gas Transmitter can be fitted with a wide range of toxic gas or combustible gas sensors, including infrared, catalytic bead and electrochemical. Gas sensors are pre-calibrated and easily connect to the gas transmitter which recognizes a newly fitted sensor, automatically uploading the gas sensor’s specific configuration profile.

Enclosure Rating
IP66 (Aluminum), IP67 (Stainless Steel), IP64 (with sensors) Type 4X
FM6320, ANSI/ISA 12.13.01, CSA 22.2 No. 152:2006, IECEx
Surface Mount/Pipe Mount/Duct Mount
Aluminum: 5.5 lbs (2.5 kg), Stainless steel: 7.0 lbs (3.2 kg)
3 years


  • Universal gas transmitter - compatible with all gas sensor types (infrared sensor, catalytic bead sensor and electrochemical sensor)
  • Wide voltage range allows for greater stability and system compatibility
  • Lowest power consumption available
  • Full diagnostics with event and data logging
  • Intuitive menu system provides operators with non-intrusive set-up and calibration interface
  • Field selectable gas curves and ranges
  • Long range (+2,000 ft/600 m) sensor separation

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