Simulación inmersa
Experiencia de capacitación inmersa con la tecnología de la realidad virtual
Utilice los modelos industriales CAD en 3D existentes de la planta y activos Si no están disponibles, los creamos a través de encuestas o la amplia biblioteca de componentes industriales listos para usar. Extienda los gráficos con colores y texturas realistas. Conéctese con el software de simulación Mimic y cree escenarios simulados al utilizar herramientas de lógica y modelado. Luego, implemente la simulación en cualquier dispositivo para proporcionarle a los operadores en el campo una experiencia de capacitación completamente inmersa.
Ensure the safety of your people and assets by applying Emerson’s Field 3D simulation to train field operators without deploying them to dangerous, costly, or isolated environments. Undertake maintenance procedures and equipment familiarization in a protected setting.
Recreate communication between the control room and field operators by leveraging the Digital Twin and VR simulation to train operators in the fiend and in the control room on the same scenarios and procedures. They learn how to collaborate before or while the plant is being built.
With prepared operators, you can start producing product earlier. Before or while the plant is being built, operators in the field environment become familiar and comfortable reducing time needed to train on the plant site.