Enardo-P-DFA Series

Enardo™ DFA Series Detonation Flame Arrestors

Product Description

Enardo Detonation Flame Arrestors provide protection against flame propagation in piping systems that are manifolded or have long run-up distances. The design is unique with larger flame channels that limit plugging and make cleaning easier. These arrestors are bi-directional and are proven to stop an ignited flammable vapor mixture approaching from either direction and traveling at subsonic or supersonic velocities. Its flame element offers maximum flow to pressure drop characteristics.

1/2 through 36
Housing Materials
Carbon Steel | 304 SS | 316 SS | Hastelloy
Cell Materials
304 SS | 316 SS | Hastelloy
Gas Groups
IIA (D) | IIB3 (C) | IIC (B)
Drain Plugs, Pressure Taps, Misc Fittings, Protective Coatings, Special Features


  • Designed for Unstable Detonation
  • Maximum Flow
  • Low Pressure Drop
  • Easy Cleaning
  • Bi-Directional
  • Less Maintenance
  • Easily Removable Flame Cell
  • Available with ANSI, DIN and JIS Flanges

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