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Podjęcie tego działania może spowodować unieważnienie wyceny. Czy chcesz kontynuować? Postępowanie spowoduje konwersję koszyka na standardowe zamówienie, dzięki czemu będzie można wprowadzić zmiany.
The Fisher V250 control valve is a heavy-duty, flangeless throttling ball valve often used to control flow in gas transmission lines, gas distribution, and liquid pipelines. Available with a single ball seal, flow ring, or dual-seal construction.
Tapered-polygon ball-to-shaft connection and clamped splined actuator connection remove lost motion or deadband from the drive train.
Reduced ball port design provides a modified equal percentage flow characteristic.
Materials are available for applications handling sour service. These materials comply with the requirements of NACE MR0175-2002.
Pressure-balanced drive shaft design with PTFE-lined bearings and pressure-assisted shaft sealing arrangement provides for a long life of reliable service.
Two-piece ball and shaft assembly allows for complete trim overhaul; parts replacement is kept to a minimum.
The optional live-loaded packing system is designed with very smooth shaft surfaces and live loading to provide sealing capability.
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