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Podjęcie tego działania może spowodować unieważnienie wyceny. Czy chcesz kontynuować? Postępowanie spowoduje konwersję koszyka na standardowe zamówienie, dzięki czemu będzie można wprowadzić zmiany.
Bronze safety valves to ASME section I and VIII, steam, ‘V’ and ‘UV’; section VIII, air/gas, ‘UV’ National Board certified including models to ASME section IV, steam ‘HV’. PED certified for non-hazardous gas
O-ring seats available for exceptional leak-free performance, reduced maintenance cost, multiple cycles with tight shutoff and improved seating integrity.
Heavy duty casting.
Wide hex on valve nozzle provides clearance for easy installation.
Seats lapped to optical flatness.
Dual control rings offer easy adjustability for precise opening with minimum pre-open or simmer and exact blowdown control.
Pivot between disc and spring corrects misalignment and compensates for spring side thrust.
Grooved piston type disc reduces sliding area and friction.
Heavy duty lift lever assembly.
Each valve tested and inspected for pressure setting and leakage.
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