Micro Motion ELITE Coriolis Meter Consisting of CMFS007M Sensor and 4200 Transmitter
Podjęcie tego działania może spowodować unieważnienie wyceny. Czy chcesz kontynuować? Postępowanie spowoduje konwersję koszyka na standardowe zamówienie, dzięki czemu będzie można wprowadzić zmiany.
Podjęcie tego działania może spowodować unieważnienie wyceny. Czy chcesz kontynuować? Postępowanie spowoduje konwersję koszyka na standardowe zamówienie, dzięki czemu będzie można wprowadzić zmiany.
• Graphical display with optional backlight setting • Four-button capacitive touch controls • Supports English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese languages.
• 2-wire loop-powered transmitter • Minimum 17.75 V lift off voltage.
Input/output signals
• Up to 2 output channels • Channel A is loop-powered 4-20mA/HART • Chanel B is externally-powered configurable for 4-20mA, frequency output or discrete output (Licensable Option)
• WirelessHART available with THUM adapter
Mounting options
• Field-mount • Integrally mounted to a Micro Motion ELITE (CMFS), CMF200-CMF350, F-series, H-series, R-series, and T-series sensors • Remotely mounted 9-wire with mounting bracket
Application types
• Smart Meter Verification • Concentration measurement • API Referral
Hazardous approvals
• Class I, Div. 1 • Class I, Div. 2 • Zone 1 • Zone 2 • Intrinsically Safe • Explosion Proof
Get unparalleled measurement sensitivity and stability from this uniquely designed meter
Gain real-time and in-process measurement integrity assurance with Smart Meter Verification
Realize unmatched flow and density measurement performance in your most challenging liquid, gas and slurry applications
Achieve superb measurement confidence with the highest immunity to fluid, process and environmental effects
Improve scalability with a broad array of application coverage including hygienic, cryogenic and high-pressure
Implement the widest process-measurement range – -400°F to 662°F (-240°C to 350°C) and up to 6,000 psig (414 barg)
Widest range of meter approvals and certifications, including; CSA, ATEX, NEPSI, IECEx, Ingress Protection 66/67, SIL2 and SIL3, marine, and custody transfer approvals
Choose from models available in 316L Stainless Steel, C-22 nickel alloy and super-duplex materials
Interact with our 3D model to learn more about our ELITE Coriolis Flow and Density Meters
Micro Motion 4200 2-Wire Transmitter
Available with a wide range of Coriolis mass flow sensors with up to +/-0.10% mass flow accuracy and +/0.0005 g/cc density accuracy for liquids and slurries or +/-0.25% mass flow accuracy for gases.
The integrated real-time clock time stamps process data, alerts, Smart Meter Verification reports and audit logs. Data Historian on board offers a complete audit trail to determine process issues.
Graphic display that supports 8 languages and can be rotated using the integrated software rotation without removing the front cover, thereby minimizing downtime due to hot work permit restrictions.
Replace existing 2-wire flow devices with minimal effort and without incurring additional power or cabling costs.
Easily expand your plant where power is not centrally located
Smart Meter Verification provides a quick, complete assessment of a Coriolis meter, determining whether the meter has been affected by erosion, corrosion, or other influences affecting meter calibration. A basic version of Smart Meter Verification is included as standard.
Certified for SIL2 single use and SIL3 multiple use safety applications per IEC 61508
Accurate, repeatable, direct mass measurement improves process control while reducing number of measurement devices required.
Wireless THUM™ option maximizes installation and operation flexibility.
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