Sobre sensores de pressão
Confiabilidade incomparável e qualidade excepcional, todas respaldadas por mais de 50 anos de experiência comprovada em pressão.
As soluções de tecnologia de pressão incluem sensores capacitivos, piezoresistivos e outros para fornecer dados essenciais do processo em aplicações de pressão diferencial, calibração e absoluta. Esses sensores medem a pressão, o nível, a vazão e os derivados, respondendo fisicamente às alterações na pressão do processo, convertendo o movimento físico em um sinal elétrico.
The Coplanar transmitter houses a capacitance sensor with patented Saturn™ sensing technology enhancing performance to deliver industry-leading accuracy and overpressure protection. The Coplanar configuration is easily integrated with a variety of manifolds, primary elements and remote seals. Configurations deliver performance and functionality for differential pressure, true gage or absolute pressure readings.
The Rosemount In-line Transmitter uses field-proven, piezoresistive sensor technology converting resistance into an electrical signal. In-line Transmitters connect directly to the process with a direct threaded connection, manifold or seal system solutions. This configuration is designed for accurate and reliable true gage or absolute pressure measurements.
Multivariable Transmitters are engineered with multiple sensing elements in the same transmitter housing. An innovative design, this single device is capable of providing differential pressure, static pressure and process temperature measurements. Multivariable Transmitters are commonly used for mass flow and energy measurement applications.
Paine Sensors are available in a diaphragm or tube configurations. The diaphragm design consists of a wheatstone bridge with foil gages on the diaphragm with two legs in tension and two in compression and is typically used for pressures less than 5000 psi (345 bar). The tube-type sensor is designed with sets of strain wire wrapped around a pressurized tube and tied together to form a wheatstone bridge. They are generally used with pressures greater than 5000 psi (345 bar).
Engineered for long-life operations in harsh subsea production environments, the Roxar subsea SenCorr sensor is a silicon piezoresistive sensor that measures pressure and temperature. Both are measured simultaneously at a common point via a standard bridge coupling, providing complete temperature compensation of the pressure reading. This sensor can also be packaged with sand erosion and corrosion sensors in the same transmitter for more complete process information.