Sistema de amostragem em linha Neotecha modelo Sapro
Sistema de amostragem em linha Neotecha modelo Sapro
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Realizar esta ação pode invalidar sua cotação. Deseja continuar? Continuar converterá seu carrinho de compras em um pedido padrão para que você possa fazer alterações.
The sampling system ensures a ‘true representative sample’ without process interruption. Designed to be installed directly into a process pipeline.
Offered with either a bottle or syringe collection method. This allows for different levels of safety and containment for different applications.
The syringe collection method utilizes a Sapro valve with a universal bayonet connection which allows one syringe to be used at multiple sample points.
The operation of the sampling system with bottle adapter is very simple and safe.
The spring loaded lever automatically closes the sampler when it is released.
The Sapro with bottle adapter comes standard with built-in locking device for safety.
PFA lining is available for corrosive services.
Easily disassembled for cleaning.
Seat change is quick and easy.
Spindle seal (including PFA lined) approved in accordance with TA-Luft VDI 2440.
Tightness according DIN EN 12266, leakage rate A, bubble tight.
Spark testing of all PFA lined and encapsulated parts is performed with 30 kV.