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Uma válvula de segurança atmosférica com vedação suave, grande capacidade de vazão e estanque de sede macia, para aplicações de turbinas e condensadores de vapor
The Sapag Series 1100 steam safety valve is used for the overpressure protection of condensers normally operating under vacuum.
The valve has been specially designed to limit the pressure that can incidentally occur into the condenser at a level below the value at which the condenser is to be considered by local code or regulation as a steam pressure vessel.
This limit is 0.5 barg according to the requirements of Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC for European Community or 10 psig (0.69 barg) according to the Heat Exchanger Institute (HEI).
Although the SAPAG Series 1100 soft sealed atmospheric safety valve was intended for steam condenser and turbine applications, it can be used for various applications on gas and vapors, where its soft seat tightness performance and large flow capacity ma