Это действие может сделать ваше коммерческое предложение недействительным. Продолжить?
Если вы продолжите, корзина будет преобразована в стандартный заказ, чтобы вы могли внести изменения.
Это действие может сделать ваше коммерческое предложение недействительным. Продолжить?
Если вы продолжите, корзина будет преобразована в стандартный заказ, чтобы вы могли внести изменения.
Модели ASCO серии 210 — это линейка экономичных электромагнитных клапанов с высоким расходом, предназначенных для жидкостей, агрессивных веществ, а также воздуха или инертного газа. Широкий диапазон номинального давления, размеров и эластичных материалов обеспечивает длительный срок службы и низкий процент внутренней утечки для этих сверхнадежных двухходовых клапанов. В промышленности они применяются в оборудовании для мойки машин, воздушных компрессорах, насосах, прачечном оборудовании и промышленных системах управления подачей воды.
Рекомендуемые |
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально закрытый
Материал корпуса
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально закрытый
Материал корпуса
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально открытый
Материал корпуса
Нержавеющая сталь
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально закрытый
Материал корпуса
Нержавеющая сталь
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально закрытый
Материал корпуса
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально закрытый
Материал корпуса
Нержавеющая сталь
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально закрытый
Материал корпуса
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально закрытый
Материал корпуса
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально открытый
Материал корпуса
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
5 Day
Функция клапана
2-ходовой — 2/2 нормально открытый
Материал корпуса
Размер присоединения
Материал уплотнений
5 Day
Catalog: Series 210 Magnetventil
European Catalog: Series 210 Magnetventil 3/8 bis 1 1/2
European Catalog: Series 210 Magnetventil Kolben
European Catalog: Series PV Magnetkopf
Katalog: Serie 210 - AISI 316 Edelstahl | ASCO - EMEA
Katalog: Zwangsgesteuerte Membran Vakuum Serie 210 | ASCO - EMEA
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 1 AC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 AC DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Cryogenic Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm AC Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 PPS Piston Solenoid Valve
European Instruction Manual Series 210 Solenoid Valves Pilot Operated Cryogenic
European Instruction Manual Series: 210 AC/DC 3/4 Floating Diaphragm
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 3/4 AC Brass
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 3/4 AC Floating/Hung Diaphragm
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 3/4 DC Brass
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 3/8 1/2 DC PPS Piston
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 AC 1 Hung Diaphragm
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 AC DC Floating Diaphragm 3/4
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 AC DC High Flow 3/4
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 AC DC Hung Diaphragm 3/4
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 AC Floating Diaphragm 3/4
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 AC Hung Diaphragm 3/4
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 AC/DC 1 Floating Diaphragm
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 AC/DC Hung Diaphragm
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 DC Floating Diaphragm
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 DC Floating Diaphragm 3/4
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 DC Hung Diaphragm 3/4
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 NC 1 AC Brass
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 NC 1 Brass
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 NC 1 DC Brass
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valve Floating Diaphragm 3/4
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valve Floating Diaphragm AC
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valve Floating Diaphragm Brass
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valve Floating Diaphragm DC
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valve Floating Diaphragm DC
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valve G1 AC Hung Diaphragm
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valve Hung Diaphragm
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valve NC
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valves 1 1/2 Cryogenic
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valves Pilot Operated Floating Piston
European Instruction Manual: Series 210 Solenoid Valves Pilot Operated hung Diaphragm
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 1 AC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 AC DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Cryogenic Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Floating Piston Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm AC Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 PPS Piston Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Pilot Operated Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Pilot Operated Floating Piston Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Pilot Operated Solenoid Valve
I&M Sheet | Series 210 solenoid valve | ASCO
I&M Sheet: NF WSNF Flameproof Solenoid Operator | ASCO
I&M Sheet: Series 210 EU | ASCO
Manuals & Guides: NF WSNF Flameproof Solenoid M12 Operator | ASCO
Catalog: Cryogenic and Liquid CO2 Valves, Brass Body 1/8" to 1 1/2" NPT | ASCO
Catalog: Gas Shutoff Pilot Operated | 3/8" - 3/4" NPT, Series 210 | ASCO
Catalog: Gas Shutoff valves, Pilot Operated | 3/8" - 3/4" NPT, Series 210 | ASCO
Catalog: General Service, Brass or Stainless Steel Bodies | Pilot Operated | 3/8" to 2 1/2" | ASCO
Catalog: Hot Water and Steam Valves, Brass or Stainless Steel Bodies 1/8" to 2 1/2" NPT, Series 210 | ASCO
Catalog: Lead Free Solutions | ASCO
Catalog: PV Operators for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres | ASCO
Catalog: Series 210 - AISI 316 Stainless steel | ASCO - EMEA
Catalog: Series 210 - Floating Diaphragm | ASCO - EMEA
Catalog: Series 210 - Hung Diaphragm | ASCO - EMEA and AP
Catalog: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm Vacuum | ASCO - EMEA
Catalog: Series 210 with 316 SS Body & Flange | ASCO - EMEA and AP
Catalog: Series K210 Quick-Connect, Lead-Free Brass Bodies, Pilot Operated, 1/2" to 2" | ASCO
European Catalog: Normally closed, pilot operated floating diaphragm, slow closing 3/8 to 3/4 | ASCO
European Catalog: Solenoid Valves, Pilot Operated, Floating Diaphragm/Piston, 3/8” to 1” 1/2, Series 210 | ASCO
Catalog: Solenoid Valve Hung Diaphragm 210 ASCO - EMEA
Catalogo: Serie 8210 Válvula Solenoide
Catálogo ASCO Express México
Catálogo: Membrana suspendida de vacío Serie 210 | ASCO - EMEA
Catálogo: Operadores Solenoides de Servicio General
Catálogo: Serie 210 - Acero inoxidable AISI 316 | ASCO - EMEA
Catálogo: Válvula solenoide con diafragma serie 210 ASCO - EMEA
Catálogo: Válvulas Accionadas por Aire
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 1 AC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 AC DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Cryogenic Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm AC Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 PPS Piston Solenoid Valve
Catalog: Série PV, Tête de commande pour atmosphères explosibles | ASCO
Catalogue : Série 210 – Acier inoxydable AISI 316 | ASCO EMEA
Catalogue Européen: 2/2 Electrovanne a commande assistee | ASCO
Catalogue: Electrovannes 2_2 Corps laiton Pilote 210-50003
Catalogue: Série 210 - Membrane attelée | ASCO - EMEA
Catalogue: Série 210 - Membrane non attelée | ASCO - EMEA
Catalogue: Série 210 Electrovanne vide attelée | ASCO - EMEA
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 1 AC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 AC DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Cryogenic Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm AC Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 PPS Piston Solenoid Valve
Catalog: Solenoid Valve Floating Diaphragm 210 ASCO - EMEA
Catalog: Solenoid Valve Hung Diaphragm 210 ASCO - EMEA
Catalogo: Serie 210 - Acciaio inox AISI 316 | ASCO - EMEA
Catalogo: Serie 210 membrana guidata vuoto | ASCO - EMEA
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 1 AC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 AC DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Cryogenic Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm AC Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 PPS Piston Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 1 AC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 AC DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Cryogenic Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm AC Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Hung Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 AC Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC 1 DC Hung Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 NC DC Brass Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 PPS Piston Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Pilot Operated Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Pilot Operated Floating Piston Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Pilot Operated Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Pilot Operated Floating Diaphragm Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Pilot Operated Floating Piston Solenoid Valve
European Installation Instructions: Series 210 Pilot Operated Solenoid Valve
некоторые продукты в вашей корзине могут быть недоступны в выбранной стране/регионе и будут удалены из корзины. Для получения более подробной информации свяжитесь с нами.
Некоторые продукты в вашей корзине могут быть недоступны в выбранной стране. Они будут удалены из корзины после нажатия кнопки "ВЫБРАТЬ". Свяжитесь с нами, если вам нужна помощь при покупке продукта в другой стране.