Melhorando a flexibilidade e a lucratividade da mistura
Obtenha maior controle sobre suas operações de mistura de petróleo, lubrificante, asfalto e combustível.
In today’s changing energy market, you’re under pressure to meet production plans, improve margins, and comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations. For over 50 years, Emerson has helped refining customers optimize their fuel, lube, asphalt, and crude blending operations. Working with Emerson’s fuel blending experts, you’ll be able to increase production flexibility and improve the number of right-first-time blends while reducing inventories and preventing shutdowns.
Optimize your blending operations to meet region-specific fuel standards and varying market demand.
Estudo de caso
With Emerson’s Micro Motion Coriolis flowmeters, a refinery was able to eliminate accuracy issues and manual testing costs involved in measuring the distillate used to meet customers’ API gravity specifications for heating oil. The meters paid for themselves with a single transfer.